Posts Tagged ‘Words’
It’s not about failing fast; it’s about learning fast.
No one has ever been promoted by failing fast. They may have been promoted because they learned something important from an experiment that delivered unexpected results, but that’s fundamentally different than failure. That’s learning.
Failure, as a word, has the strongest negative connotations. Close your eyes and imagine a failure. Can you imagine a scenario where someone gets praised or promoted for that failure? I think not. It’s bad when you fail to qualify for a race. It’s bad when you fail to get that new job. It’s bad when driving down the highway the transmission fails fast. If you squint, sometimes you can see a twinkle of goodness in failure, but it’s still more than 99% bad.
When it’s bad for people’s careers, they don’t do it. Failure is like that. If you want to motivate people or instill a new behavior, I suggest you choose a word other than failure.
Learning, as a word, has highly positive connotations. Children go to school to learn, and that’s good. People go to college to learn, and that’s good. When people learn new things they can do new things, and that’s good. Learning is the foundation for growth and development, and that’s good.
Learning can look like failure to the untrained eye. The prototype blew up – FAILURE. We thought the prototype would survive the test, but it didn’t. We ran a good test, learned the weakest element, and we’re improving it now – LEARNING. In both cases, the prototype is a complete wreck, but in the FAILURE scenario, the team is afraid to talk about it, and in the LEARNING scenario they brag. In the LEARNING scenario, each team member stands two inches taller.
Learning yes; failure no.
The transition from failure to learning starts with a question: What did you learn? It’s a magic question that helps the team see the progress instead of the shattered remains. It helps them see that their hard work has made them smarter. After several what-did-you-learns, the team will start to see what they learned. Without your prompts, they’ll know what they learned. Then, they’ll design their work around their desired learning. Then they’ll define formal learning objectives (LOs). Then they’ll figure out how to improve their learning rate. And then they’re off to the races.
You don’t break things for the sake of breaking them. You break things so you can learn.
Learning yes; failure no. Because language matters.
Image credit — mining camper
Effective Interactions During Difficult Times
When times are stressful, it’s more difficult to be effective and skillful in our interactions with others. Here are some thoughts that could help.
Decide how you want to respond, and then respond accordingly.
Before you respond, take a breath. Your response will be better.
If you find yourself responding before giving yourself permission, stop your response and come clean.
Better responses from you make for even better responses from others.
If you interrupt someone in the middle of their sentence so you can make your point, you made a different point.
If you find yourself preparing your response while listening to someone, that’s not listening.
If you recognize you’re not listening, now there are at least two people who know the truth.
When there are no words coming from your mouth, that doesn’t constitute listening.
The strongest deterrent to listening is talking.
If you disagree with one element of a person’s position, you can, at the same time, agree with other elements of their position. That’s how agreement works.
If you start with agreement, even the smallest bit, disagreement softens.
Before you can disagree, it’s important to listen and understand. And it’s the same with agreement.
It’s easy to agree if that’s what you want to accomplish. And it’s the same for disagreement.
If you want to move toward agreement, start with understanding.
If you want to demonstrate understanding, start with listening.
If you want to demonstrate good listening, start with kindness.
Here are three mantras I find helpful:
Talk less to listen more.
Before you respond, take a breath.
Kindness before agreement.
“Rock-em” by REL Waldman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Words To Live By
What people think about you is none of your business.
If you’re afraid to be wrong, you shouldn’t be setting direction.
Think the better of people, as they’ll be better for it.
When you find yourself striving, pull the emergency brake and figure out how to start thriving.
If you want the credit, you don’t want to make a difference.
If you’re afraid to use your best judgment, find a mentor.
Family first, no exceptions.
When you hold a mirror to the organization, you demonstrate that you care.
If you want to grow people and you invest less than 30% of your time, you don’t want to grow them.
When someone gives you an arbitrary completion date, they don’t know what they’re doing.
When the Vice President wants to argue with the physics, let them.
When all else fails, use your best judgment.
If it’s not okay to tell the truth, work for someone else.
The best way to make money is not the best way to live.
When someone yells at you, that says everything about them and nothing about you.
Trust is a result. Think about that.
When you ask for the impossible, all the answers will be irrational.
No one can diminish you without your consent.
If you don’t have what you want, why not try to want what you have?
When you want to control things, you limit the growth of everyone else.
People can tell when you’re telling the truth, so tell them.
If you find yourself watching the clock, find yourself another place to work.
When someone does a great job, tell them.
If you have to choose between employment and enjoyment, choose the latter.
If you’re focused on cost reduction, you’re in a race to the bottom.
The best way to help people grow is to let them do it wrong (safely).
When you hold up a mirror to the organization, no one will believe what they see.
If you’re not growing your replacement, what are you doing?
If you’re not listening, you’re not learning.
When someone asks for help, help them.
If you think you know the right answer, you’re the problem.
When someone wants to try something new, help them.
Whatever the situation, tell the truth, and love everyone.
Image credit — John Fife
Why not choose the right words?
We all want to make progress. We all want to to do the right thing. And we all have the best intentions. But often we don’t pay enough attention to the words we use.
There are pure words that convey a message in a kind soothing way and there are snarl words that convey a message in a sharp, biting way. It’s relatively easy, if you’re paying attention, to recognize the snarl and purr. But it’s much more difficult to take skillful action when you hear them used unskillfully.
A purr word is skillful when it conveys honest appreciation, and it’s unskillful when it manipulates under the banner of false praise. But how do you tell the difference? That’s where the listening comes in. And that’s where effective probing can help.
If you sense unskillful use, ask a question of the user to get at the intent behind the language. Why do you think the idea is so good? What about the concept do you find so interesting? Why do you like it so much? Then, use your judgment to decide if the use was unskillful or not. If unskillful, assign less value to the purr language and the one purring it.
But it’s different with snark words. I don’t know of a situation where the use of snarl words is skillful. Blatant use of snarl words is easy to see and interpret. And it looks like plain, old-fashioned anger. And the response is straightforward. Call the snarler on their snarl and let them know it’s not okay. That usually puts an end to future snarling.
The most dangerous use of snarl words is passive-aggressive snarling. Here, the snarler wants all the manipulative benefit without being recognized as a manipulator. The pros snarl lightly to start to see if they get away with it. And if they do, they snarl harder and more often. And they won’t stop until they’re called on their behavior. And when they are called on their behavior, they’ll deny the snarling altogether.
Passive-aggressive snarling can block new thinking, prevent consensus and stall hard-won momentum. It’s nothing short of divisive. And it’s difficult to see and requires courage to confront and eviscerate.
If you see something, say something. And it’s the same with passive-aggressive snarling. If you think it is happening, ask questions to get at the underlying intent of the words. If it turns out that it’s simply a poor choice of words, suggest better ones and move on. But if the intent is manipulation, it must be stopped in its tracks. It must be called by name, its negative implications must be be linked to the behavior and new behavioral norms must be set.
Words are the tools we use to make progress. The wrong words block progress and the right ones accelerate it.
Why not choose the right words?
Innovation – Words vs. Actions
Innovation isn’t a thing in itself. Companies need to meet their growth objectives and innovation is the word experts use to describe the practices and behaviors they think will maximize the likelihood of meeting those growth objectives. Innovation is a catchword phrase that has little to no meaning. Don’t ask about innovation, ask how to meet your business objectives. Don’t ask about best practices, ask how has your company been successful and how to build on that success. Don’t ask how the big companies have done it – you’re not them. And, the behaviors of the successful companies are the same behaviors of the unsuccessful companies. The business books suffer from selection bias. You can’t copy another company’s innovation approach. You’re not them. And your project is different and so is the context.
With innovation, the biggest waste of emotional energy is quest for (and arguments around) best practices. Because innovation is done in domains of high ambiguity, there can be no best practices. Your project has no similarity with your previous projects or the tightest case studies in the literature. There may be good practice or emergent practice, but there can be no best practice. When there is no uncertainty and no ambiguity, a project can use best practices. But, that’s not innovation. If best practices are a strong tenant of your innovation program, run away.
The front end of the innovation process is all about choosing projects. If you want to be more innovative, choose to work on different projects. It’s that simple. But, make no mistake, the principle may be simple the practice is not. Though there’s no acid test for innovation, here are three rules to get you started. (And if you pass these three tests, you’re on your way.)
- If you’ve done it before, it’s not innovation.
- If you know how it will turn out, it’s not innovation.
- If it doesn’t scare the hell out of you, it’s not innovation.
Once a project is selected, the next cataclysmic waste of time is the construction of a detailed project plan. With a well-defined project, a well-defined project plan is a reasonable request. But, for an innovation project with a high degree of ambiguity, a well-defined project plan is impossible. If your innovation leader demands a detailed project plan, it’s usually because they are used running to well-defined continuous improvement projects. If for your innovation projects you’re asked for a detailed project plan, run away.
With innovation projects, you can define step 1. And step 2? It depends. If step 1 works, modify step 2 based on the learning and try step 2. And if step 1 doesn’t work, reformulate step 1 and try again. Repeat this process until the project is complete. One step at a time until you’re done.
Innovation projects are unpredictable. If your innovation projects require hard completion dates, run away.
Innovation projects are all about learning and they are best defined and managed using Learning Objectives (LOs). Instead of step 1 and step 2, think LO1 and LO2. Though there’s little written about LOs, there’s not much to them. Here’s the taxonomy of a LO: We want to learn if [enter what you want to learn]. Innovation projects are nothing more than a series of interconnected LOs. LO2 may require the completion of LO1 or L1 and LO2 could be done in parallel, but that’s your call. Your project plan can be nothing more than a precedence diagram of the Learning Objectives. There’s no need for a detailed Gantt chart. If you’re asked for a detailed Gantt chart, you guessed it – run away.
The Learning Objective defines what you learn, how you want to learn, who will do the learning and when they want to do it. The best way to track LOs is with an Excel spreadsheet with one tab for each LO. For each LO tab, there’s a table that defines the actions, who will do them, what they’ll measure and when they plan to get the actions done. Since the tasks are tightly defined, it’s possible to define reasonable dates. But, since there can be a precedence to the LOs (LO2 depends on the successful completion of LO1), LO2 can be thought of a sequence of events that start when LO1 is completed. In that way, an innovation project can be defined with a single LO spreadsheet that defines the LOs, the tasks to achieve the LOs, who will do the tasks, how success will be determined and when the work will be done. If you want to learn how to do innovation, learn how to use Learning Objectives.
There are more element of innovation to discuss, for example how to define customer segments, how to identify the most important problems, how to create creative solutions, how to estimate financial value of a project and how to go to market. But, those are for another post.
Until then, why not choose a project that scares you, define a small set of Learning Objectives and get going?
Image credit – JD Hancock
On Being Well Rested
All business processes are powered by people. Even with all our automation and standardization, nothing moves without people. And people are powered by language. Language is important.
“Fix that so we don’t make any more mistakes.” Snarl words. “Figure out what we do well, and let’s do more of that.” Purr words. Which are more powerful?
“Wonderful work.” Purr words. “Wonderful, more customer complaints.” Snarl words. The same word is both, but it’s clear to all which is which. One is empowering, the other demotivating. Which is better for business?
Subtle usage makes a difference, intonation makes a difference, and tone makes a difference. It’s not just words that matter, but how they’re delivered also matters. Words can build or words can dismantle, and so can delivery.
We know people drive everything. And we know words influence people. Yet we don’t use words in ways that respects their gravity.
It takes care to use the right words in the right ways, and it takes thoughtfulness. But with today’s race pace, it’s tough to be well rested which makes it tough to use care and forethought. Well rested shouldn’t be a luxury and shouldn’t be scoffed at. In an instant the wrong words at the wrong time can be catastrophic. Trouble is the value of being well rested cannot be quantified on the balance sheet.
People power processes and words power people, and the right words at the right time can make all the difference. But it takes thoughtful, enlightened people to deliver them. And for that, they should be well rested.
Innovation – words and actions
I sat down to write my weekly post with the hope of coming up with something meaningful on innovation. Nothing came. I asked the all-powerful oracle named Google for some guidance, and my thinking diverged. I realized that there are too many definitions for the word innovation, too many contexts, too many facets. There is too much written about the word and too little written about the actions. I, too, am guilty of using the word for its multiple meanings and sex appeal. I put it in the title of this post to get some attention (I’ll let you know if Google Analytics reports more hits). Heck, I even use the word in the description of the blog.
When I started writing my dissertation, Chris Brown, my advisor, handed me a book and said something like, “You should learn how to write, so read this”. The book was Language In Thought and Action, by S.I. Hayakawa. I read it, finished my dissertation, and, most importantly, learned about words. Since my struggle with innovation was all about the word, I dusted off Hayakawa and asked him to help. Here is what the senator had to say.
To map meaning to a word it is best to point to the physical world (extensional meaning). Putting your hand over your mouth and pointing to a chair is a good way to assign meaning to the word chair. Closing your eyes and talking about a chair (intensional meaning) is not as good. So, to understand innovation it would be best to point your finger at it. But how?
Using an operational definition is a good way to point to the physical world. He quotes physicist P.W. Bridgeman who coined the term.
To find the length of an object, we have to perform certain physical operations. The concept of length is therefore fixed when the operations by which length is measured is fixed….. In general, we mean by any concept nothing more than a set of operations; the concept is synonymous with the corresponding set of operations.”
Hayakawa would ask, “Can you put your hand over your mouth and point to innovation?” Bridgeman would ask, “Can you define the set of operations for innovation? ”
This week my answer is “Not yet”.