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28 Things I Learned the Hard Way

If you want to have an IoT (Internet of Things) program, you’ve got to connect your products. If you want to build trust, give without getting. If you need someone with experience in manufacturing automation, hire a pro. If the engineering team wants to spend a year playing with a new technology, before the bell […]

When Problems Are Bigger Than They Seem

If words and actions are different, believe the actions. If the words change over time, don’t put stock in the person delivering them. If a good friend doesn’t trust someone, neither should you. If the people above you don’t hold themselves accountable, yet they try to hold you accountable, shame on them. If people are […]

People, Money and Time

If you want the next job, figure out why. There’s nothing wrong with wanting the job you have. When you don’t care about the next job it’s because you fit the one you have. A larger salary is good, but time with family is better. Less time with family is a downward spiral into sadness. […]

What Good Ideas Feel Like

If you have a reasonably good idea, someone will steal it, make it their own and take credit. No worries, this is what happens with reasonably good ideas. If you have a really good idea, you’ll have to explain it several times before anyone understands it. Then, once they understand, you’ll have to help them […]

The Difficulty of Commercializing New Concepts

If you have the data that says the market for the new concept is big enough, you waited too long. If you require the data that verifies the market is big enough before pursuing new concepts, you’ll never pursue them. If you’re afraid to trust the judgement of your best technologists, you’ll never build the […]

As a leader, be truthful and forthcoming.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting the truth from your leader? You know – when they say something and you know that’s not what they really think. Or, when they share their truth but you can sense that they’re sharing only part of the truth and withholding the real nugget of the truth? […]

What if you were gone for a month?

If you were out of the office for a month and did not check email or check in, how would things go? Your Team – Would your team curl up into a ball under the pressure, or would they use their judgement when things don’t go as planned? I think the answer depends on how […]

Subtle Leadership

You could be a subtle leader if… You create the causes and conditions for others to shine. And when they shine, you give them the credit they’re due. You don’t have the title, but when the high-profile project hits a rough patch, you get called in to create the go-forward plan. One of your best […]

Four Questions to Choose Innovation Projects

It’s a challenge to prioritize and choose innovation projects. There are open questions on the technology, the product/service, the customer, the price and sales volume.  Other than that, things are pretty well defined. But with all that, you’ve still go to choose.  Here are some questions that may help in your selection process Is it […]

Healthy Dissatisfaction

If you’re dissatisfied, there’s a reason. If you’re dissatisfied, there’s hope for us all. If you’re not dissatisfied, there’s no forcing function for change. If you’re not dissatisfied, the status quo will carry the day. If you’re not dissatisfied, innovation work is not for you. If you’re dissatisfied, you know it could be better next […]

For innovation to flow, drive out fear.

The primary impediment to innovation is fear, and the prime directive of any innovation system should be to drive out fear. A culture of accountability, implemented poorly, can inject fear and deter innovation.  When the team is accountable to deliver on a project but are constrained to a fixed scope, a fixed launch date and […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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