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The Five Hardships of Success

Everything has a half-life, but we don’t behave that way.  Especially when it comes to success.  The thinking goes – if it was successful last time, it will be successful next time.  So, do it again. And again.  It’s an efficient strategy – the heavy resources to bring it to life have already been spent. […]

When Problems Are Bigger Than They Seem

If words and actions are different, believe the actions. If the words change over time, don’t put stock in the person delivering them. If a good friend doesn’t trust someone, neither should you. If the people above you don’t hold themselves accountable, yet they try to hold you accountable, shame on them. If people are […]

You might be a leader if…

If you have to tell people what to do, you didn’t teach them to think for themselves. If you know one of your team members has something to say but they don’t say it, it’s because you didn’t create an environment where they feel safe. If your new hire doesn’t lead an important part of […]

Will your work make the world a better place?

As parents, our lives are centered around our children and their needs. In the shortest-term, it’s all about their foundational needs like food, water, and shelter. In the medium-term, it’s all about education and person-to-person interactions. And in the longest-term, it’s all about creating the causes and conditions to help them grow into kind, caring […]

People, Money and Time

If you want the next job, figure out why. There’s nothing wrong with wanting the job you have. When you don’t care about the next job it’s because you fit the one you have. A larger salary is good, but time with family is better. Less time with family is a downward spiral into sadness. […]

What Good Ideas Feel Like

If you have a reasonably good idea, someone will steal it, make it their own and take credit. No worries, this is what happens with reasonably good ideas. If you have a really good idea, you’ll have to explain it several times before anyone understands it. Then, once they understand, you’ll have to help them […]

Whether it goes well or poorly, what matters is how you respond.

When was the last time you taught someone a new method or technique? What was their reaction? How did it make you feel? Will you do it again? When was the last time you learned something new from a colleague? What was your reaction? What did you do so it would happen again? When was […]

The Trust Network II

I stand by my statement that trust is the most important element in business (see The Trust Network.) The Trust Network are the group of people who get the work done. They don’t do the work to get promoted, they just do the work because they like doing the work. They don’t take others’ credit […]

The Trust Network

Trust is the most important element in business. It’s not organizational authority, it’s not alignment, it’s not execution, it’s not best practices, it’s not competitive advantage and it’s not intellectual property. It’s trust. Trust is more powerful than the organizational chart.  Don’t believe me? Draw the org chart and pretend the person at the top […]

What’s in the way?

If you want things to change, you have two options. You can incentivize change or you can move things out of the way that block change. The first way doesn’t work and the second one does.  For more details, click this link at it will take you to a post that describes Danny Kahneman’s thoughts […]

Subtle Leadership

You could be a subtle leader if… You create the causes and conditions for others to shine. And when they shine, you give them the credit they’re due. You don’t have the title, but when the high-profile project hits a rough patch, you get called in to create the go-forward plan. One of your best […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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