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The Innovation Mantra

We have an immense distaste for uncertainty. And, as a result, we create for ourselves a radical and unskillful overestimation of our ability to control things. Our distaste of uncertainty is really a manifestation of our fear of death. When we experience and acknowledge uncertainty, it’s an oblique reminder that we will die. And that’s […]

Do you have a problem?

If it’s your problem, fix it. If it’s not your problem, let someone else fix it. If you fix someone else’s problem, you prevent the organization from fixing the root cause. If you see a problem, say something. If you see a problem, you have an obligation to do something, but not an obligation to […]

The truth can set you free, but only if you tell it.

  Your truth is what you see.  Your truth is what you think.  Your truth is what feel.  Your truth is what you say. Your truth is what you do.   If you see something, say something. If no one wants to hear it, that’s on them.   If your truth differs from common believe, […]

Technical Risk, Market Risk, and Emotional Risk

Technical risk – Will it work? Market risk – Will they buy it? Emotional risk – Will people laugh at your crazy idea?   Technical risk – Test it in the lab. Market risk – Test it with the customer. Emotional risk – Try it with a friend.   Technical risk – Define the right […]

Why do you go to work?

Why did you go to work today? Did your work bring you meaning? How do you feel about that? Your days are limited. What would it take to slather your work with meaning? Last week, did you make a difference? Did you make a ruckus? Would you rather strive for the next job, or would […]

Two Sides of the Equation

If you want new behavior, you must embrace conflict. If you can’t tolerate the conflict, you’ll do what you did last time. If your point of view angers half and empowers everyone else, you made a difference. If your point of view meets with 100% agreement, you wasted everyone’s time. If your role is to […]

Words To Live By

What people think about you is none of your business. If you’re afraid to be wrong, you shouldn’t be setting direction. Think the better of people, as they’ll be better for it. When you find yourself striving, pull the emergency brake and figure out how to start thriving. If you want the credit, you don’t […]

Want to succeed? Learn how to deliver customer value.

Whatever your initiative, start with customer value. Whatever your project, base it on customer value. And whatever your new technology, you guessed it, customer value should be front and center. Whenever the discussion turns to customer value, expect confusion, disagreement, and, likely, anger. To help things move forward, here’s an operational definition I’ve found helpful: […]

The Giving Cycle

The best gifts are the ones that demonstrate to the recipients that you understand them. You understand what they want; you understand their size (I’m and men’s large); you understand their favorite color; you know what they already have; you know what they’re missing, and you know what they need. On birthdays and holidays, everyone […]

Learn to Recognize Waiting

If you want to do a task, but you don’t have what you need, that’s waiting for a support resource. If you need a tool, but you don’t have it, you wait for a tool. If you need someone to do the task, but you don’t have anyone, you wait for people. If you need […]

28 Things I Learned the Hard Way

If you want to have an IoT (Internet of Things) program, you’ve got to connect your products. If you want to build trust, give without getting. If you need someone with experience in manufacturing automation, hire a pro. If the engineering team wants to spend a year playing with a new technology, before the bell […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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