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Did you make a difference today?

Did you engage today with someone that needed your time and attention, though they didn’t ask? You had a choice to float above it all or recognize that your time and attention were needed.  And then you had a follow-on choice: to keep on truckin’ or engage.  If you recognized they needed your help, what […]

Effective Interactions During Difficult Times

When times are stressful, it’s more difficult to be effective and skillful in our interactions with others.  Here are some thoughts that could help. Decide how you want to respond, and then respond accordingly. Before you respond, take a breath. Your response will be better. If you find yourself responding before giving yourself permission, stop […]

Making Time To Give Thanks

The pandemic has taken much from us, but we’re still here.  We have each other, and that’s something we can be thankful for. But going forward, what will you do? Will you worry about making the right choice, or will you be thankful you have a choice? Or maybe both? When things don’t go according […]

The Power of the Trust Network

The members of the Trust Network have worked together for a long time. And over that time together they’ve developed trust-based relationships that are more powerful than almost anything in the universe. The Trust Network knows the work intimately and can do it in their sleep. They intuitively know the work should be started, the […]

If you “don’t know,” you’re doing it right.

If you know how to do it, it’s because you’ve done it before. You may feel comfortable with your knowledge, but you shouldn’t.  You should feel deeply uncomfortable with your comfort. You’re not trying hard enough, and your learning rate is zero. Seek out “don’t know.” If you don’t know how to do it, acknowledge […]

Work is 95% Noise

There’s a lot of noise at work.  I’m not talking about the audible noise you hear in your office or the chatter of your coworkers. I’m talking about the noise purposefully created to slather a layer of importance to things that aren’t all that important. Corporate priorities are created at the company level to move […]

Why not now?

If you are anxious, you’re worried about what might happen. You’re living in the future.  If you are sad or angry, you’re reacting to what happened.  You’re living in the past.  Nothing can be accomplished when living in the past because the die is cast.  And nothing can be accomplished when living in the future […]

When you don’t know the answer, what do you say?

When you are asked a question and you don’t know the answer, what do you say?  What does that say about you? What happens to people in your organization who say “I don’t know.”? Are they lauded or laughed at? Are they promoted, overlooked, or demoted? How many people do you know that have said: […]

The One Thing That’s Always in the Way

If you could get another good job at the drop of a hat, how would you work differently?  Would you speak your mind or bite your tongue? If you didn’t care about getting a promotion, would you succumb to groupthink or dissent? If your ego didn’t get in the way, would you stop following the […]

How do you measure your people?

We get what we measure and, generally, we measure what’s easy to measure and not what will build a bridge to the right behavior. Timeframe. If we measure people on a daily pitch, we get behavior that is maximized over eight hours.  If a job will take nine hours, it won’t get done because the […]

Will you be remembered?

100% agreement means there’s less than 100% truth.  If, as a senior leader, you know there are differing opinions left unsaid, what would you do? Would you chastise the untruthful who are afraid to speak their minds? Would you simply ignore what you know to be true and play Angry Birds on your phone? Would […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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