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What do you want?

If you want a promotion, do the right thing. If you do the right thing, be prepared to be misunderstood. If you want the credit, you don’t want the best outcome for all. If you want to have focus, spend time outside. If you want to have more control, give it away. If you want […]

The truth can set you free, but only if you tell it.

  Your truth is what you see.  Your truth is what you think.  Your truth is what feel.  Your truth is what you say. Your truth is what you do.   If you see something, say something. If no one wants to hear it, that’s on them.   If your truth differs from common believe, […]

The Next Prime Directive – Software-Based Recurring Revenue

If you know how what the system wants to be when it grows up, you can work in this line of evolution with 100% impunity.  In that way, the key to success is learning how to see what the system wants to be when it grows up; learning to see where it wants to go; […]

No Time for the Truth

Company leaders deserve to know the truth, but they can no longer take the time to learn it. Company leaders are pushed too hard to grow the business and can no longer take the time to listen to all perspectives, no longer take the time to process those perspectives, and no longer take the time […]

When it’s Time to Make a Difference

  When it’s time to make meaningful change, there’s no time for consensus. When the worn path of success must be violated, use a small team. When it’s time for new thinking, create an unreasonable deadline, and get out of the way. The best people don’t want the credit, they want to be stretched just […]

The Giving Cycle

The best gifts are the ones that demonstrate to the recipients that you understand them. You understand what they want; you understand their size (I’m and men’s large); you understand their favorite color; you know what they already have; you know what they’re missing, and you know what they need. On birthdays and holidays, everyone […]

The Toughest Word to Say

As the world becomes more connected, it becomes smaller.  And as it becomes smaller, competition becomes more severe. And as competition increases, work becomes more stressful.  We live in a world where workloads increase, timelines get pulled in, metrics multiply and “accountability” is always the word of the day. And in these trying times, the […]

As a leader, be truthful and forthcoming.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting the truth from your leader? You know – when they say something and you know that’s not what they really think. Or, when they share their truth but you can sense that they’re sharing only part of the truth and withholding the real nugget of the truth? […]

What if you were gone for a month?

If you were out of the office for a month and did not check email or check in, how would things go? Your Team – Would your team curl up into a ball under the pressure, or would they use their judgement when things don’t go as planned? I think the answer depends on how […]

On Gumption

Doing new work takes gumption. But there are two problems with gumption. One, you’ve got to create it from within. Two, it takes a lot of energy to generate the gumption and to do that you’ve got to be physically fit and mentally grounded. Here are some words that may help. Move from self-judging to […]

An Environmental Call-To-Arms for Industry

What is your obligation to improve the health of our planet? For the CEO – Look around. Look at Europe. Look at China’s plans. Look at the startups. I know you want to achieve your growth objectives, but if you don’t take seriously the race toward cleaner products and services, you’ll go out of business. […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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