Archive for the ‘Top Line Growth’ Category
Strategy, Tactics, and Action
When it comes to strategy and tactics, there are a lot of definitions, a lot of disagreement, and a whole lot of confusion. When is it strategy? When is it tactics? Which is more important? How do they inform each other?
Instead of definitions and disagreement, I want to start with agreement. Everyone agrees that both strategy AND tactics are required. If you have one without the other, it’s just not the same. It’s like with shoes and socks: Without shoes, your feet get wet; without socks, you get blisters; and when you have both, things go a lot better. Strategy and tactics work best when they’re done together.
The objective of strategy and tactics is to help everyone take the right action. Done well, everyone from the board room to the trenches knows how to take action. In that way, here are some questions to ask to help decide if your strategy and tactics are actionable.
What will we do? This gets to the heart of it. You’ve got to be able to make a list of things that will get done. Real things. Real actions. Don’t be fooled by babble like “We will provide customer value” and “Will grow the company by X%.” Providing customer value may be a good idea, but it’s not actionable. And growing the company by an arbitrary percentage is aspirational, but not actionable.
Why will we do it? This one helps people know what’s powering the work and helps them judge whether their actions are in line with that forcing function. Here’s a powerful answer: Competitors now have products and services that are better than ours, and we can’t have that. This answer conveys the importance of the work and helps everyone put the right amount of energy into their actions. [Note: this question can be asked before the first one.]
Who will do it? Here’s a rule: if no one is freed up to do the new work, the new work won’t get done. Make a list of the teams that will stop their existing projects before they can take action on the new work. Make a list of the new positions that are in the budget to support the strategy and tactics. Make a list of the new companies you’ll partner with. Make a list of all the incremental funding that has been put in the budget to help all the new people complete all these new actions. If your lists are short or you can make any, you don’t have what it takes to get the work done. You don’t have a strategy and you don’t have tactics. You have an unfunded mandate. Run away.
When will it be done? All actions must have completion dates. The dates will be set without consideration of the work content, so they’ll be wrong. Even still, you should have them. And once you have the dates, double all the task durations and push out the dates in your mind. No need to change the schedule now (you can’t change it anyway) because it will get updated when the work doesn’t get done on time. Now, using your lists of incremental headcount and budget, assign the incremental resources to all the actions with completion dates. Look for actions and budgets as those are objective evidence of the unfunded mandate character of your strategy and tactics. And for actions without completion dates, disregard them because they can never be late.
How will we know it’s done? All actions must call out a definition of success (DOS) that defines when the action has been accomplished. Without a measurable DOS, no one is sure when they’re done so they’ll keep working until you stop them. And you don’t want that. You want them to know when they’re done so they can quickly move on to the next action without oversight. If there’s no time to create a DOS, the action isn’t all that important and neither is the completion date.
When the wheels fall off, and they will, how will we update the strategy and tactics? Strategy and tactics are forward-looking and looking forward is rife with uncertainty. You’ll be wrong. What actions will you take to see if everything is going as planned? What actions will you take when progress doesn’t meet the plan? What actions will you take when you learn your tactics aren’t working and your strategy needs a band-aid? What will you do? Who will do it? When will it be done? And how will you know it’s done?
Image credit: Eric Minbiole
What it Takes to Do New Work
What it takes to do new work.
Confidence to get it wrong and confidence to do it early and often.
Purposeful misuse of worst practices in a way that makes them the right practices.
Tolerance for not knowing what to do next and tolerance for those uncomfortable with that.
Certainty that they’ll ask for a hard completion date and certainty you won’t hit it.
Knowledge that the context is different and knowledge that everyone still wants to behave like it’s not.
Disdain for best practices.
Discomfort with success because it creates discomfort when it’s time for new work.
Certainty you’ll miss the mark and certainty you’ll laugh about it next week.
Trust in others’ bias to do what worked last time and trust that it’s a recipe for disaster.
Belief that successful business models have half-lives and belief that no one else does.
Trust that others will think nothing will come of the work and trust that they’re likely right.
Image credit —
28 Things I Learned the Hard Way
- If you want to have an IoT (Internet of Things) program, you’ve got to connect your products.
- If you want to build trust, give without getting.
- If you need someone with experience in manufacturing automation, hire a pro.
- If the engineering team wants to spend a year playing with a new technology, before the bell rings for recess ask them what solution they’ll provide and then go ask customers how much they’ll pay and how many they’ll buy.
- If you don’t have the resources, you don’t have a project.
- If you know how it will turn out, let someone else do it.
- If you want to make a friend, help them.
- If your products are not connected, you may think you have an IoT program, but you have something else.
- If you don’t have trust, you have just what you earned.
- If you hire a pro in manufacturing automation, listen to them.
- If Marketing has an optimistic sales forecast for the yet-to-be-launched product, go ask customers how much they’ll pay and how many they’ll buy.
- If you don’t have a project manager, you don’t have a project.
- If you know how it will turn out, teach someone else how to do it.
- If a friend needs help, help them.
- If you want to connect your products at a rate faster than you sell them, connect the products you’ve already sold.
- If you haven’t started building trust, you started too late.
- If you want to pull in the delivery date for your new manufacturing automation, instead, tell your customers you’ve pushed out the launch date.
- If the VP knows it’s a great idea, go ask customers how much they’ll pay and how many they’ll buy.
- If you can’t commercialize, you don’t have a project.
- If you know how it will turn out, do something else.
- If a friend asks you twice for help, drop what you’re doing and help them immediately.
- If you can’t figure out how to make money with IoT, it’s because you’re focusing on how to make money at the expense of delivering value to customers.
- If you don’t have trust, you don’t have much
- If you don’t like extreme lead times and exorbitant capital costs, manufacturing automation is not for you.
- If the management team doesn’t like the idea, go ask customers how much they’ll pay and how many they’ll buy.
- If you’re not willing to finish a project, you shouldn’t be willing to start.
- If you know how it will turn out, it’s not innovation.
- If you see a friend that needs help, help them ask you for help.
Image credit — openDemocracy
Two Questions to Grow Your Business
Two important questions to help you grow your business:
- Is the problem worth solving?
- When do you want to learn it’s not worth solving?
No one in your company can tell you if the problem is worth solving, not even the CEO. Only the customer can tell you if the problem is worth solving. If potential customers don’t think they have the problem you want to solve, they won’t pay you if you solve it. And if potential customers do have the problem but it’s not that important, they won’t pay you enough to make your solution profitable.
A problem is worth solving only when customers are willing to pay more than the cost of your solution.
Solving a problem requires a good team and the time and money to run the project. Project teams can be large and projects can run for months or years. And projects require budgets to buy the necessary supplies, tools, and infrastructure. In short, solving problems is expensive business.
It’s pretty clear that it’s far more profitable to learn a problem is not worth solving BEFORE incurring the expense to solve it. But, that’s not what we do. In a ready-fire-aim way, we solve the problem of our choosing and try to sell the solution.
If there’s one thing to learn, it’s how to verify the customer is willing to pay for your solution before incurring the cost to create it.
Image credit — Milos Milosevic
All-or-Nothing vs. One-in-a-Row
All-or-nothing thinking is exciting – we’ll launch a whole new product family all at once and take the market by storm! But it’s also dangerous – if we have one small hiccup, “all” turns into “nothing” in a heartbeat. When you take an all-or-nothing approach, it’s likely you’ll have far too little “all” and far too much “nothing”.
Instead of trying to realize the perfection of “all”, it’s far better to turn nothing into something. Here’s the math for an all-or-nothing launch of product family launch consisting of four products, where each product will create $1 million in revenue and the probability of launching each product is 0.5 (or 50%).
1 product x $1 million x 0.5 = $500K
2 products x $1 million x 0.5 x 0.5 = $500K
3 products x $1 million x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = $375K
4 products x $1 million x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = $250K
In the all-or-nothing scheme, the launch of each product is contingent on all the others. And if the probability of each launch is 0.5, the launch of the whole product family is like a chain of four links, where each link has a 50% chance of breaking. When a single link of a chain breaks, there’s no chain. And it’s the same with an all-or-nothing launch – if a single product isn’t ready for launch, there are no product launches.
But the math is worse than that. Assume there’s new technology in all the products and there are five new failure modes that must be overcome. With all-or-nothing, if a single failure mode of a single product is a problem, there are no launches.
But the math is even more deadly than that. If there are four use models (customer segments that use the product differently) and only one of those use models creates a problem with one of the twenty failure modes (five failure modes times four products) there can be no launches. In that way, if 25% of the customers have one problem with a single failure mode, there are can be no launches. Taken to an extreme, if one customer has one problem with one product, there can be no launches.
The problem with all-or-nothing is there’s no partial credit – you either launch four products or you launch none. Instead of all-or-nothing, think “secure the launch”. What must we do to secure the launch of a single product? And once that one’s launched, the money starts to flow. And once we launch the first one, what must we do to secure the launch the second? (More money flows.) And, once we launch the third one…. you get the picture. Don’t try to launch four at once, launch a single product four times in a row. Instead of all-or-nothing, think one-in-a-row, where revenue is achieved after each launch of a single launch.
And there’s another benefit to launching one at a time. The second launch is informed by learning from the first launch. And the third is informed by the first two. With one-in-a-row, the team gets smarter and each launch gets better.
Where all-or-nothing is glamorous, one-in-a-row is achievable. Where all-or-nothing is exciting, one-in-row is achievable. And where all-or-nothing is highly improbable, one-in-a-row is highly profitable.
Image credit – Mel
Uncertainty Isn’t All Bad
If you think you understand what your customers want, you don’t.
If you’re developing a new product for new customers, you know less.
If you’re developing a new technology for a new product for new customers, you know even less.
If you think you know how much growth a new product will deliver, you don’t.
If that new product will serve new customers, you know less.
If that new product will require a new technology, you know even less.
If you have to choose between project A and B, you’ll choose the one that’s most like what you did last time.
If project A will change the game and B will grow sales by 5%, you’ll play the game you played last time.
If project A and B will serve new customers, you’ll change one of them to serve existing customers and do that one.
If you think you know how the market will respond to a new product, it won’t make much of a difference.
If you don’t know how the market will respond, you may be onto something.
If you don’t know which market the product will serve, there’s a chance to create a whole new one.
If you know how the market will respond, do something else.
When we have a choice between certainty and upside, the choice is certain.
When we choose certainty over upside, we forget that the up-starts will choose differently.
When we have a lot to lose, we chose certainty.
And once it’s lost, we start over and choose uncertainty.
Image credit — Alexandra E Rust
How To Know if You’re Moving in a New Direction
If you want to move in a new direction, you can call it disruption, innovation, or transformation. Or, if you need to rally around an initiative, call it Industrial Internet of Things or Digital Strategy. The naming can help the company rally around a new common goal, so take some time to argue about and get it right. But, settle on a name as quickly as you can so you can get down to business. Because the name isn’t the important part. What’s most important is that you have an objective measure that can help you see that you’ve stopped talking about changing course and started changing it.
When it’s time to change course, I have found that companies error on the side of arguing what to call it and how to go about it. Sure, this comes at the expense of doing it, but that’s the point. At the surface, it seems like there’s a need for the focus groups and investigatory dialog because no one knows what to do. But it’s not that the company doesn’t know what it must do. It’s that no one is willing to make the difficult decision and own the consequences of making it.
Once the decision is made to change course and the new direction is properly named, the talk may have stopped but the new work hasn’t started. And this is when it’s time to create an objective measure to help the company discern between talking about the course change and actively changing the course.
Here it is in a nutshell. There can be no course change unless the projects change.
Here’s the failure mode to guard against. When the naming conventions in the operating plans reflect the new course heading but sitting under the flashy new moniker is the same set of tired, old projects. The job of the objective measure is to discern between the same old projects and new projects that are truly aligned with the new direction.
And here’s the other half of the nutshell. There can be no course change unless the projects solve different problems.
To discern if the company is working in a new direction, the objective measure is a one-page description of the new customer problem each project will solve. The one-page limit helps the team distill their work into a singular customer problem and brings clarity to all. And framing the problem in the customer’s context helps the team know the project will bring new value to the customer. Once the problem is distilled, everyone will know if the project will solve the same old problem or a new one that’s aligned with the company’s new course heading. This is especially helpful the company leaders who are on the hook to move the company in the new direction. And ask the team to name the customer. That way everyone will know if you are targeting the same old customer or new ones.
When you have a one-page description of the problem to be solved for each project in your portfolio, it will be clear if your company is working in a new direction. There’s simply no escape from this objective measure.
Of course, the next problem is to discern if the resources have actually moved off the old projects and are actively working on the new projects. Because if the resources don’t move to the new projects, you’re not solving new problems and you’re not moving in the new direction.
Image credit – Walt Stoneburner
As a leader, be truthful and forthcoming.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting the truth from your leader? You know – when they say something and you know that’s not what they really think. Or, when they share their truth but you can sense that they’re sharing only part of the truth and withholding the real nugget of the truth? We really have no control over the level of forthcoming of our leaders, but we do have control over how we respond to their incomplete disclosure.
There are times when leaders cannot, by law, disclose things. But, even then, they can make things clear without disclosing what legally cannot be disclosed. For example, they can say: “That’s a good question and it gets to the heart of the situation. But, by law, I cannot answer that question.” They did not answer the question, but they did. They let you know that you understand the situation; they let you know that there is an answer; and the let you know why they cannot share it with you. As the recipient of that non-answer answer, I respect that leader.
There are also times when a leader withholds information or gives a strategically partial response for inappropriate reasons. When a leader withholds information to manipulate or control, that’s inappropriate. It’s also bad leadership. When a leader withholds information from their smartest team members, they lose trust. And when leaders lose trust, the best people are crestfallen and withhold their best work. The thinking goes like this. If my leader doesn’t trust me enough to share the complete set of information with me it’s because they don’t think I’m worthy of their trust and they don’t think highly of me. And if they don’t think I’m worthy of their trust, they don’t understand who I am and what I stand for. And if they don’t understand me and know what I stand for, they’re not worthy of my best work.
As a leader, you must share all you can. And when you can’t, you must tell your team there are things you can’t share and tell them the reasons why. Your team can handle the fact that there are some things you cannot share. But what your team cannot hand is when you withhold information so you can gain the upper hand on them. And your team can tell when you’re withholding with your best interest in mind. Remember, you hired them because they were smart, and their smartness doesn’t go away just because you want to control them.
If your direct reports always tell you they can get it done even when they don’t have the capacity and capability, that’s not the behavior you want. If your direct reports tell you they can’t get it done when they can’t get it done, that’s the behavior you want. But, as a leader, which behavior do you reward? Do you thank the truthful leader for being truthful about the reality of insufficient resources and do you chastise the other leader for telling you what you want to hear? Or, do you tell the truthful leader they’re not a team player because team players get it done and praise the unjustified can-do attitude of the “yes man” leader? As a leader, I suggest you think deeply about this. As a direct report of a leader, I can tell you I’ve been punished for responding in way that was in line with the reality of the resources available to do the work. And I can also tell you that I lost all respect for that leader.
As a leader, you have three types of direct reports. Type I are folks are happy where they are and will do as little as possible to keep it that way. Type II are people that are striving for the next promotion and will tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get the next job. Type III are the non-striving people who will tell you what you need to hear despite the implications to their career. Type I people are good to have on your team. They know what they can do and will tell you when the work is beyond their capability. Type II people are dangerous because they think only of themselves. They will hang you out to dry if they think it will advance their career. And Type III people are priceless.
Type III people care enough to protect you. When you ask them for something that can’t be done, they care enough about you to tell you the truth. It’s not that they don’t want to get it done, they know they cannot. And they’re willing to tell you to your face. Type II people don’t care about you as a leader; they only care about themselves. They say yes when they know the answer is no. And they do it in a way that absolves them of responsibility when the wheels fall off. As a leader, which type do you want on your team? And as a leader, which type do you promote and which do you chastise. And, how do you feel about that?
As a leader, you must be truthful. And when you can’t disclose the full truth, tell people. And when your Type II direct reports give you the answer they know you want to hear, call them on their bullshit. And when your Type III folks give you the answer they know you don’t want to hear, thank them.
Image credit — Anandajoti Bhikkhu
Transcending a Culture of Continuous Improvement
We’ve been too successful with continuous improvement. Year-on-year, we’ve improved productivity and costs. We’ve improved on our existing products, making them slightly better and adding features.
Our recipe for success is the same as last year plus three percent. And because the customers liked the old one, they’ll like the new one just a bit more. And the sales can sell the new one because its sold the same way as the old one. And the people that buy the new one are the same people that bought the old one.
Continuous improvement is a tried-and-true approach that has generated the profits and made us successful. And everyone knows how to do it. Start with the old one and make it a little better. Do what you did last time (and what you did the time before). The trouble is that continuous improvement runs out of gas at some point. Each year it gets harder to squeeze out a little more and each year the return on investment diminishes. And at some point, the same old improvements don’t come. And if they do, customers don’t care because the product was already better than good enough.
But a bigger problem is that the company forgets to do innovative work. Though there’s recognition it’s time to do something different, the organization doesn’t have the muscles to pull it off. At every turn, the organization will revert to what it did last time.
It’s no small feat to inject new work into a company that has been successful with continuous improvement. A company gets hooked on the predictable results of continuous which grows into an unnatural aversion to all things different.
To start turning the innovation flywheel, many things must change. To start, a team is created and separated from the continuously improving core. Metrics are changed, leadership is changed and the projects are changed. In short, the people, processes, and tools must be built to deal with the inherent uncertainty that comes with new work.
Where continuous improvement is about the predictability of improving what is, innovation is about the uncertainty of creating what is yet to be. And the best way I know to battle uncertainty is to become a learning organization. And the best way to start that journey is to create formal learning objectives.
Define what you want to learn but make sure you’re not trying to learn the same old things. Learn how to create new value for customers; learn how to deliver that value to new customers; learn how to deliver that new value in new ways (new business models.)
If you’re learning the same old things in the same old way, you’re not doing innovation.
Innovation Truths
If it’s not different, it can’t be innovation.
With innovation, ideas are the easy part. The hard part is creating the engine that delivers novel value to customers.
The first goal of an innovation project is to earn the right to do the second hardest thing. Do the hardest thing first.
Innovation is 50% customer, 50% technology and 75% business model.
If you know how it will turn out, it’s not innovation.
Don’t invest in a functional prototype until customers have placed orders for the sell-able product.
If you don’t know how the customer will benefit from your innovation, you don’t know anything.
If your innovation work doesn’t threaten the status quo, you’re doing it wrong.
Innovation moves at the speed of people.
If you know when you’ll be finished, you’re not doing innovation.
With innovation, the product isn’t your offering. Your offering is the business model.
If you’re focused on best practices, you’re not doing innovation. Innovation is about doing things for the first time.
If you think you know what the customer wants, you don’t.
Doing innovation within a successful company is seven times hard than doing it in a startup.
If you’re certain, it’s not innovation.
With innovation, ideas and prototypes are cheap, but building the commercialization engine is ultra-expensive.
If no one will buy it, do something else.
Technical roadblocks can be solved, but customer/market roadblocks can be insurmountable.
The first thing to do is learn if people will buy your innovation.
With innovation, customers know what they don’t want only after you show them your offering.
With innovation, if you’re not scared to death you’re not trying hard enough.
The biggest deterrent to innovation is success.
Image credit — Sherman Geronimo-Tan
You don’t need more ideas.
Innovation isn’t achieved by creating more ideas. Innovation is realized when ideas are transformed into commercialized products and services. Innovation is realized when ideas are transformed into new business models that deliver novel usefulness to customers and deliver increased revenues to the company.
In a way, creating ideas that languish in their own shadow is worse than not creating any ideas at all. If you don’t have any ideas, at least you didn’t spend the resources to create them and you don’t create the illusion that you’re actually making progress. In that way, it’s better to avoid creating new ideas if you’re not going to do anything with them. At least your leadership team will not be able to rationalize that everything will be okay because you have an active idea generation engine.
Before you schedule your next innovation session, don’t. Reason 1 – it’s not an innovation session, it’s an ideation session. Reason 2 – you don’t have resources to do anything with the best ideas so you’ll spend the resources and nothing will come of it. To improve the return on investment, don’t make the investment because there’ll be no return.
Truth is, you already have amazing ideas to grow your company. Problem is, no one is listening to the people with the ideas. And the bigger problem – because no one listened over the last ten years, the people with the ideas have left the company or stopped trying to convince you they have good ideas. Either way, you’re in trouble and creating more ideas won’t help you. Your culture is such that new ideas fall on deaf ears and funding to advance new concepts loses to continuous improvement.
If you do want to hold an ideation event to create new ideas that will reinvent your company, there are ways to do it effectively. First, define the customer of the ideation event. This is the person who is on the hook to commercialize things that will grow the business. This is the person who will have a career problem if ideas aren’t implemented. This is the person who can allocate the resources to turn the ideas into commercialized products, services. If this person isn’t an active advocate for the ideation event, don’t hold it. If this person will not show up to the report out of the ideation event, don’t hold it. If this person does not commit to advancing the best ideas, don’t hold the event.
Though innovation and ideas start with “i”, they’re not the same. Ideas are inexpensive to create but deliver no value. Innovation is expensive and delivers extreme value to customers and the company. If you’re not willing to convert the ideas into something that delivers values to customers, save the money and do continuous improvement. Your best people will leave, but at least you won’t waste money on creating ideas that will die on the vine.
If the resources aren’t lined up to run with the ideas, don’t generate the them. If you haven’t allocated the funding for the follow-on work, don’t create new ideas. If the person who is charged with growing the business isn’t asking for new ideas, don’t hold the ideation event.
You already have too many ideas. But what you lack is too few active projects to convert the best ideas into products and services that generate value for your customers and growth for your company.
Stop creating new ideas and start delivering novel usefulness to your customers.
Image credit – Marco Nürnberger