Archive for the ‘Problems’ Category
How To Make Progress
Improvement is progress. Improvement is always measured against a baseline, so the first thing to do is to establish the baseline, the thing you make today, the thing you want to improve. Create an environment to test what you make today, create the test fixtures, define the inputs, create the measurement systems, and write a formal test protocol. Now you have what it takes to quantify an improvement objectively. Test the existing product to define the baseline. No, you haven’t improved anything, but you’ve done the right first thing.
Improving the right thing to make progress. If the problem invalidates the business model, stop what you’re doing and solve it right away because you don’t have a business if you don’t solve it. Any other activity isn’t progress, it’s dilution. Say no to everything else and solve it. This is how rapid progress is made. If the customer won’t buy the product if the problem isn’t solved, solve it. Don’t argue about priorities, don’t use shared resources, don’t try to be efficient. Be effective. Do one thing. Solve it. This type of discipline reduces time to market. No surprises here.
Avoiding improvement of the wrong thing to make progress. For lesser problems, declare them nuisances and permit yourself to solve them later. Nuisances don’t have to be solved immediately (if at all) so you can double down on the most important problems (speed, speed, speed). Demoting problems to nuisances is probably the most effective way to accelerate progress. Deciding what you won’t do frees up resources and emotional bandwidth to make rapid progress on things that matter.
Work the critical path to make progress. Know what work is on the critical path and what is not. For work on the critical path, add resources. Pull resources from non-critical path work and add them to the critical path until adding more slows things down.
Eliminate waiting to make progress. There can be no progress while you wait. Wait for a tool, no progress. Wait for a part from a supplier, no progress. Wait for raw material, no progress. Wait for a shared resource, no progress. Buy the right tools and keep them at the workstations to make progress. Pay the supplier for priority service levels to make progress. Buy inventory of raw materials to make progress. Ensure shared resources are wildly underutilized so they’re available to make progress whenever you need to. Think fire stations, fire trucks, and firefighters.
Help the team make progress. As a leader, jump right in and help the team know what progress looks like. Praise the crudeness of their prototypes to help them make them cruder (and faster) next time. Give them permission to make assumptions and use their judgment because that’s where speed comes from. And when you see “activity” call it by name so they can recognize it for themselves, and teach them how to turn their effort into progress.
Be relentless and respectful to make progress. Apply constant pressure, but make it sustainable and fun.
Image credit — Clint Mason
The Importance of Moving From Telling to Asking
Tell me what you want done, but don’t tell me how. You’ve got to leave something for me.
Better yet, ask me to help you with a problem and let me solve it. I prefer asking over telling.
Better still, explain the situation and ask me what I think. We can then discuss why I see it the way I do and we can create an approach.
Even better, ask me to assess the situation and create a proposal.
Better still, ask me to assess the situation, create a project plan, and run the project.
If you come up with a solution but no definition of the problem, I will ask you to define the problem.
If you come up with a solution and a definition of the problem, I will ask you to explain why it’s the right solution.
If you come up with a problem, a solution, and an analysis that justifies the solution, I will ask why you need me.
If you know what you want to do, don’t withhold information and make me guess.
If you know what you want to do, ask me to help and I will help you with your plan.
If you know what you want to do and want to improve your plan, ask me how to make your plan better.
If you want your plan to become our plan, bring me in from the start and ask me what I think we should do.
Image credit — x1klima
Why Hardware Is Hard For Startups And What to Do About It
Software may be eating the world, but the hardware elements of a startup’s work define when lunch is served.
Hardware takes longer than software. With hardware, after the product and its parts are designed, companies are vetted/selected to make the parts; contracts are signed to make the parts; the parts are made; the parts are shipped; the parts are received; the parts are inspected; and the parts are put in their locators. Then, the manufacturing process is defined, the manufacturing tooling is designed and purchased; the manufacturing documentation is created; the final test system is designed and built; and the parts are assembled into the product. Then, the product is run through final test and tested for robustness. After it’s learned the manufacturing process created too much variation and the insufficient robustness manifests, the manufacturing process and its documentation are changed to reduce variation; the parts that failed are redesigned, purchased, made, shipped, and received; and the next iteration of the product is built and tested. This process is repeated until the product is robust and the manufacturing process is repeatable. This is why hardware takes longer than software.
If the software is done but the hardware isn’t, the software must wait for the hardware and the customer must wait for the finished product. To get the hardware done faster, recognize that redesign loops are part of the game and invest in the capability to iterate quickly. Line up the suppliers to make parts quickly; keep utilization low on the support resources so they can jump on the work when it arises (think fire stations who can respond quickly when there’s a fire); and avoid part-time resources on the critical path. There may be other things to focus on, but only after taking care of these three.
Software may be eating the world, but the hardware elements of a startup’s work govern the cost of getting to the dinner table.
Hardware costs more to make than software. Hardware is made of steel, aluminum, injection molded plastics, and rare earth elements, all of which cost money. And because startups do things that have not been done before, the materials can be special (costly). And unlike software, the marginal cost of an incremental unit is non-zero. With hardware, if you want to make another one you’ve got to buy more of the materials; you have to pay people to make it; you have to buy/build the manufacturing system; you have to buy the measurement systems and engineering infrastructure; and you have to pay people to break-test-fix the product until it’s ready.
What’s a startup to do?
To do hardware faster, focus on learning. And to do hardware more cost-effectively, focus on learning.
For both time and money, learning efficiency is a good starting point. The most efficient learning is the learning you don’t have to do, so be ruthless in how you decide what you DON’T learn. Where possible, declare all but the most vital problems as annoyances and save them for later. (Annoyances don’t require learning.) This will concentrate your precious resources on fewer problems, improve your learning rate, and keep costs to a minimum.
Here’s a good test to decide if the learning is worth learning. Ask yourself “If we accomplish this learning objective, how will the customer benefit?” If there is low or no customer benefit, say no to the learning objective. If there is medium customer benefit, say no to the learning objective. If there is significant customer benefit, do the learning.
For those learning objectives that make it through the gauntlet, learn what you need to learn, but no more. To do this, create a formal learning objective: “We want to learn [enter learning objective here].” With learning objectives, the tighter the better. And define the criteria for decision making: “If the result of the test is [define objective measurement here], we will decide [enter decision here].” With decision criteria, the clearer the better.
Learn effectively, not elegantly. Be bold, rough, and crude with how you learn. Design tests that take advantage of the resources you have on hand so you can learn quickly. If you can run a crude test in one hour and the perfect test will take a week, run three crude tests and be done by the end of the day.
Learn with less confidence and more judgment. If a wrong decision can be overcome quickly and with low cost, be less confident and use more judgment.
Whether driven by hardware, software, or the integration of both, project completion is governed by the critical path. And with longer time constants, it’s more likely that the hardware defines the critical path. The total cost of the project is the sum of the three costs: software, hardware, and integration. And because hardware requires expensive materials, factories, engineering labs, people to run the tests, and people to make the products, hardware is likely a large percentage of the project costs.
Image credit — Günter Hentschel
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Praise is powerful, but not when you don’t give it.
People learn from mistakes, but not when they don’t make them.
Wonderful solutions are wonderful, but not if there are no problems.
Novelty is good, but not if you do what you did last time.
Disagreement creates deeper understanding, but not if there’s 100% agreement.
Consensus is safe, but not when it’s time for original thought.
Progress is made through decisions, but not if you don’t make them.
It’s skillful to constrain the design space, but not if it doesn’t contain the solution.
Trust is powerful, but not before you build it.
A mantra: Praise people in public.
If you want people to learn, let them make mistakes.
Wonderful problems breed wonderful solutions.
If you want novelty, do new things.
There can be too little disagreement.
Consensus can be dangerous.
When it’s decision time, make one.
Make the design space as small as it can be, but no smaller.
Build trust before you need it.
Image credit – Ralf St.
Projects, Products, People, and Problems
With projects, there is no partial credit. They’re done or they’re not.
Solve the toughest problems first. When do you want to learn the problem is not solvable?
Sometimes slower is faster.
Problems aren’t problems until you realize you have them. Before that, they’re problematic.
If you can’t put it on one page, you don’t understand it. Or, it’s complex.
Take small bites. And if that doesn’t work, take smaller bites.
To get more projects done, do fewer of them.
Say no.
Stop starting and start finishing.
Effectiveness over efficiency. It’s no good to do the wrong thing efficiently.
Function first, no exceptions. It doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper to build if it doesn’t work.
No sizzle, no sale.
And customers are the ones who decide if the sizzle is sufficient.
Solve a customer’s problem before solving your own.
Design it, break it, and fix it until you run out of time. Then launch it.
Make the old one better than the new one.
Test the old one to set the goal. Test the new one the same way to make sure it’s better.
Obsolete your best work before someone else does.
People grow when you create the conditions for their growth.
If you tell people what to do and how to do it, you’ll get to eat your lunch by yourself every day.
Give people the tools, time, training, and a teacher. And get out of the way.
If you’ve done it before, teach someone else to do it.
Done right, mentoring is good for the mentor, the mentee, and the bottom line.
When in doubt, help people.
Trust is all-powerful.
Whatever business you’re in, you’re in the people business.
Image credit — Hartwig HKD
Why is it so difficult to get ready?
The time to start getting ready is before we need to be.
We don’t get ready because the problem hasn’t yet kicked us in the head. It has only started getting ready to do so.
We don’t get ready because we don’t see the early warning signs. Like the meteorologist who doesn’t make time to look at the radar and satellite images, if we don’t look, we can’t see. And if we’re really busy, we don’t make time to look. What if it was part of our job to look at the satellite images? Who in our company should have that job?
We don’t get ready because we don’t heed the early warning signs. Seeing the warning signs is much different than justifying the reallocation of resources because someone says the tea leaves suggest an impending problem.
We will solve no problem until it’s too late to do anything else.
We don’t get ready because we forget that it takes time to get ready. We do so little getting ready, we’re unfamiliar with the work content and timeline of getting ready. We forget that getting ready is on the critical path of problem-solving.
We don’t get ready because everyone is fully booked and we have no excess capacity to allocate to getting ready. And by the time we free up the resources to get ready (if we can do that at all), we miss the window of opportunity to get ready.
We will solve a problem only after exhausting all other possibilities.
We don’t get ready because the problem is someone else’s. If we don’t have capacity to get ourselves ready for our problems why would we allocate the capacity to get ready for someone else’s?
We don’t get ready because we try to give our problem to someone else. Isn’t it easier to convince someone else to get ready than to do the getting ready ourselves?
We will solve no problem until we know we’ll get the credit.
We don’t get ready because problem avoidance won’t get us promoted, though putting out a fire that could have been avoided will.
If a problem is avoided, there is no problem. And since there’s no problem, there’s no need to avoid it.
We don’t get ready because there’s no certainty a problem will be a problem until we have it. And we can’t get ready to solve a problem once we have it. Getting ready requires judgment and trust – judgment by the person who sees the early warning signs and trust by the person who allocates the resources. It’s that simple.
Because we’ve conditioned people to be afraid to use their judgment, they don’t use it. And because we’ve conditioned people to be afraid to spend the time needed to build trust, they don’t build it.
Now that we have these two problems, how can we make it safe for people to use their judgment and spend the time needed to develop trust?
Image credit — Leonard J Matthews
Working In Domains of High Uncertainty
X: When will you be done with the project?
Me: This work has never been done before, so I don’t know.
X: But the Leadership Team just asked me when the project will be done. So, what should I say?
Me: Since nothing has changed since the last time you asked me, I still don’t know. Tell them I don’t know.
X: They won’t like that answer.
Me: They may not like the answer, but it’s the truth. And I like telling the truth.
X: Well, what are the steps you’ll take to complete the project?
Me: All I can tell you is what we’re trying to learn right now.
X: So all you can tell me is the work you’re doing right now?
Me: Yes.
X: It seems like you don’t know what you’re doing.
Me: I know what we’re doing right now.
X: But you don’t know what’s next?
Me: How could I? If this current experiment goes up in smoke, the next thing we’ll do is start a different project. And if the experiment works, we’ll do the next right thing.
X: So the project could end tomorrow?
Me: That’s right.
X: Or it could go on for a long time?
Me: That’s right too.
X: Are you always like this?
Me: Yes, I am always truthful.
X: I don’t like your answers. Maybe we should find someone else to run the project.
Me: That’s up to you. But if the new person tells you they know when the project will be done, they’re the wrong person to run the project. Any date they give you will be a guess. And I would not want to be the one to deliver a date like that to the Leadership Team.
X: We planned for the project to be done by the end of the year with incremental revenue starting in the first quarter of next year.
Me: Well, the project work is not bound by the revenue plan. It’s the other way around.
X: So, you don’t care about the profitability of the company?
Me: Of course I care. That’s why we chose this project – to provide novel customer value and sell more products.
X: So the project is intended to deliver new value to our customers?
Me: Yes, that’s how the project was justified. We started with an important problem that, if solved, would make them more profitable.
X: So you’re not just playing around in the lab.
Me: No, we’re trying to solve a customer problem as fast as we can. It only looks like we’re playing around.
X: If it works, would our company be more profitable?
Me: Absolutely.
X: Well, how can I help?
Me: Please meet with the Leadership Team and thank them for trusting us with this important project. And tell them we’re working as fast as we can.
Image credit – Florida Fish and Wildlife
X: Me: format stolen from Simon Wardley (@swardley). Thank you, Simon.
There is nothing wrong with having problems.
When you are stuck, often the problems you can describe are not the problems that are in the way.
The problems you solved last time make it more difficult to see new problems this time.
The problems you know of are not the problem.
When you have no problems, you have big problems.
When you have no problem, there is no way to justify additional resources.
When you have no problem, you better finish on time.
When you’re stuck on a problem, make it worse and solve it by doing the opposite.
Problems are not bad, even though bringing them to everyone’s attention may be bad for your career.
And if talking about problems is bad for your career, you are working at the wrong company.
Until you can explain the problem in plain language, you do not understand it.
And when you do not understand a problem, you can’t solve it.
Solutions start with a problem.
Two questions to ask: Where is the problem and when does it occur?
Problems are solved with microscopes and not telescopes. Get close to the problem.
Your problem is not new. Someone has solved it in a different application, context, or product.
There are at least three ways to solve a problem: before it occurs, while it occurs, or after it occurs,
Sometimes solving a difficult problem requires the generation of an easily solvable problem. So be it.
Problems are more powerful than opportunities. Call them by their name.
Because without problems, there can be no solutions.
Image credit – Andy Morffew
What’s in the way of the newly possible?
When “it’s impossible” it means it “cannot be done.” But maybe “impossible” means “We don’t yet know how to do it.” Or “We don’t yet know if others have done it before.”
What does it take to transition from impossible to newly possible? What must change to move from the impossible to the newly possible?
Context-Specific Impossibility. When something works in one industry or application but doesn’t work in another, it’s impossible in that new context. But usually, almost all the elements of the system are possible and there are one or two elements that don’t work due to the new context. There’s an entire system that’s blocked from possibility due to the interaction between one or two system elements and an environmental element of the new context. The path to the newly possible is found in those tightly-defined interactions. Ask yourself these questions: Which system elements don’t work and what about the environment is preventing the migration to the newly possible? And let the intersection focus your work.
History-Specific Impossibility. When something didn’t work when you tried it a decade ago, it was impossible back then based on the constraints of the day. And until those old constraints are revisited, it is still considered impossible today. Even though there has been a lot of progress over the last decades, if we don’t revisit those constraints we hold onto that old declaration of impossibility. The newly possible can be realized if we search for new developments that break the old constraints. Ask yourself: Why didn’t it work a decade ago? What are the new developments that could overcome those problems? Focus your work on that overlap between the old problems and the new developments.
Emotionally-Specific Impossibility. When you believe something is impossible, it’s impossible. When you believe it’s impossible, you don’t look for solutions that might birth the newly possible. Here’s a rule: If you don’t look for solutions, you won’t find them. Ask yourself: What are the emotions that block me from believing it could be newly possible? What would I have to believe to pursue the newly possible? I think the answer is fear, but not the fear of failure. I think the fear of success is a far likelier suspect. Feel and acknowledge the emotions that block the right work and do the right work. Feel the fear and do the work.
The newly possible is closer than you think. The constraints that block the newly possible are highly localized and highly context-specific. The history that blocks the newly possible is no longer applicable, and it’s time to unlearn it. Discover the recent developments that will break the old constraints. And the emotions that block the newly possible are just that – emotions. Yes, it feels like the fear will kill you, but it only feels like that. Bring your emotions with you as you do the right work and generate the newly possible.
image credit – gfpeck
What To Do When It Matters
If you see something that matters, say something.
If you say something and nothing happens, you have a choice – bring it up again, do something, or let it go.
Bring it up again when you think your idea was not understood. And if it’s still not understood after the second try, bring it up a third time. After three unsuccessful tries, stop bringing it up.
Now your choice is to do something or let it go.
Do something to help people see your idea differently. If it’s a product or technology, build a prototype and show people. This makes the concept more real and facilitates discussion that leads to new understanding and perspectives. If it’s a new value proposition, create a one-page sales tool that defines the new value from the customers’ perspective and show it to several customers. Make videos of the customers’ reactions and show them to people that matter. The videos let others experience the customers’ reactions first-hand and first-hand customer feedback makes a difference. If is a new solution to a problem, make a prototype of the solution and show it to people that have the problem. People with problems react well to solutions that solve them.
When people see you invest time to make a prototype or show a concept to customers, they take you and your concept more seriously.
If there’s no real traction after several rounds of doing something, let it go. Letting it go releases you from the idea and enables you to move on to something better. Letting it go allows you to move on. Don’t confuse letting it go with doing nothing. Letting it go is an action that is done overtly.
The number of times to bring things up is up to you. The number of prototypes to build is up to you. And the sequence is up to you. Sometimes it’s right to forgo prototypes and customer visits altogether and simply let it go.
But don’t worry. Because it matters to you, you’ll figure out the best way to move it forward. Follow your instincts and don’t look back.
Image credit – Peter Addor
Projects, Problems and People
The projects you choose define the problems you solve.
The problems you choose to solve define the novel value delivered to the customer.
The people you choose to run the projects set the character of the projects.
The choice of the projects’ character defines how the people feel about working on the projects.
How people choose to feel about working on the projects influences the character of the projects.
The people on the projects choose how the problems are solved.
How people choose to solve problems defines how well the problems are solved.
The choice around how well problems are solved sets the level of goodness delivered to the customer.
The level of goodness you choose to deliver to the customer governs the incremental revenue you create.
It doesn’t seem right that the amount of incremental revenue is a choice.
But, when you choose the right projects and the right people to run them and you choose the right problems and the right people to solve them, incremental revenue becomes your choice.
image credit — officallychaz