Archive for the ‘How To’ Category
How To Solve Transparent Problems
One of the best problems to solve for your customers is the problem they don’t know they have. If you can pull it off, you will create an entirely new value proposition for them and enable them to do things they cannot do today. But the problem is they can’t ask you to solve it because they don’t know they have it.
To identify problems customs can’t see, you’ve got to watch them go about their business. You’ve got to watch all aspects of their work and understand what they do and why they do it that way. And it’s their why that helps you find the transparent problems. When they tell you their why, they tell you the things they think cannot change and the things they consider fundamental constraints. Their whys tell you what they think is unchangeable. And from their perspective, they’re right. These things are unchangeable because they don’t know what’s possible with new technologies.
Once you know their unchangeable constraints, choose one to work on and turn it into a tight problem statement. Then use your best tools and methods to solve it. Once solved, you’ve got to make a functional prototype and show them in person. Without going back to them with a demonstration of a functional prototype, they won’t believe you. Remember, you did something they didn’t think was possible and changed the unchangeable.
When demonstrating the prototype to the customer, just show it in action. Don’t describe it, just show them and let them ask questions. Listen to their questions so you can see the prototype through their eyes. And to avoid leading the witness, limit yourself to questions that help you understand why they see the prototype as they do. The way they see the prototype will be different than your expectations, and that difference is called learning. And if you find yourself disagreeing with them, you’re doing it wrong.
This first prototype won’t hit the mark exactly, but it will impress the customer and it will build trust with them. And because they watched the prototype in action, they will be able to tell you how to improve it. Or better yet, with their newfound understanding of what’s possible, they might be able to see a more meaningful transparent problem that, once solved, could revolutionize their industry.
Customers know their work and you know what’s possible. And prototypes are a great way to create the future together.
“Transparent” by Rene Mensen is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
What you do next is up to you.
If you don’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing, you can try to remember why you started the whole thing or you can do something else. Either can remedy things, but how do you choose between them? If you’ve forgotten your “why”, maybe it’s worth forgetting or maybe something else temporarily came up that pushed your still-important why underground for a short time. If it’s worth forgetting, maybe it’s time for something else. And if it’s worth remembering, maybe it’s time to double down. Only you can choose.
If you still remember why you’re doing what you’re doing, you can ask yourself if your why is still worth its salt or if something changed, either inside you or in your circumstances, that has twisted your why to something beyond salvage. If your why is still as salty as ever, maybe it’s right to stay the course. But if it’s still as salty as ever but you now think it’s distasteful, maybe it’s time for a change.
When you do what you did last time, are you more efficient or more dissatisfied, or both? And if you imagine yourself doing it again, do you look forward to more efficiency or predict more dissatisfaction? These questions can help you decide whether to keep things as they are or change them.
What have you learned over the last year? Whether your list is long or if it’s short, it’s a good barometer to inform your next chapter.
What new skills have you mastered over the last year? Is the list long or short? If you don’t want to grow your mastery, keep things as they are.
Do the people you work with inspire you or bring you down? Are you energized or depleted by them? If you’re into depletion, there’s no need to change anything.
Do you have more autonomy than last year? And how do you feel about that? Let your answers guide your future.
What is the purpose behind what you do? Is it aligned with your internal compass? These two questions can bring clarity.
You’re the only one who can ask yourself these questions; you’re the only one who can decide if you like the answers; and you’re the only one who is responsible for what you do next. What you do next is up to you.
“Fork in the road” by Kai Hendry is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Triangulation of Leadership
Put together things that contradict yet make a wonderfully mismatched pair.
Say things that contradict common misunderstandings.
See the dark and dirty underside of things.
Be more patient with people.
Stomp on success.
Tell the truth even when it’s bad for your career.
See what wasn’t but should have been.
Violate first principles.
Protect people.
See things as they aren’t.
See what’s missing.
See yourself.
“man in park (triangulation)” by Josh (broma) is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
The Power of Praise
Praise happens when you tell someone they did something wonderful. Praise is virtually free and almost the most powerful force in the universe.
When you tell someone what they did was amazing, they stand three inches taller. Right in front of you, they get taller. They grow. They expand. Don’t believe me? Try it. And bring a ruler.
To deliver praise, you must pay attention. You must invest in what’s going on, you must hear what is said, and watch what is done. Congratulations. Though you have yet to deliver praise, you’ve already differentiated yourself. Next, you must compare the behavior against the norms and recognize a difference. Sure, it’s a simple difference calculation, but it’s a calculation that takes attention and caring, which in today’s rat race are in short supply. Now, you must find words the right words to describe the specialness of the behavior-why it’s different and why it matters. Then, you’ve got to deliver it in a way that is worthy of the specialness.
Deliver praise in public and be specific. This person (use their name) did (say what they did) and it’s important because (and say why it is important). And tell people what you think and feel. They (use their name) did (say what they did) and I feel (e.g., happy, excited, proud) because (tell them why you feel as you do). Feel free to steal that script, but if you do, stick to it because it’s a good one.
A rule: If you don’t praise people, you don’t know what you’re doing.
But here’s the thing about praise. If you fake it, you bring about its opposite. When you fake it, people get smaller and they get angry. They get smaller because they know they are being patronized. And they get angry for the same reason. So, a word of caution. If you deliver paise that’s fake, you will lose all credibility with the recipient and anyone in earshot. And it’s such a violation of their dignity, I don’t know a way to resurrect their trust. In short, if you fake it, it’s over for you.
Another rule: If you have the urge to deliver fake praise, don’t.
Praise is powerful, but in today’s environment is almost extinct. It’s not that praise-worthy behavior is uncommon, rather, the time and attention required to recognize and formally acknowledge praise-worthy behavior is uncommon.
If you want to elevate the performance of a team, praise their behavior. And do it in public. Pay attention and praise. Schedule a meeting, buy the pizza, and praise. Be specific, be genuine, and praise.
Yes, you will spend a lot of money on pizza, and, yes, that is the best return on investment in the universe.
“Alex and his lion friend” by Tambako the Jaguar is marked with CC BY-ND 2.0.
Did you make a difference today?
Did you engage today with someone that needed your time and attention, though they didn’t ask? You had a choice to float above it all or recognize that your time and attention were needed. And then you had a follow-on choice: to keep on truckin’ or engage. If you recognized they needed your help, what caused you to spend the energy needed to do that? And if you took the further step to engage, why did you do that? For both questions, I bet the answer is the same – because you care about them and you care about the work. And I bet they know that and I bet you made a difference.
Did you alter your schedule today because something important came up? What caused you to do that? Was it about the thing that came up or the person(s) impacted by the thing that came up? I bet it was the latter. And I bet you made a difference.
Did you spend a lot of energy at work today? If so, why did you do that? Was it because you care about the people you work with? Was it because you care about your customers? Was it because you care enough about yourself to live up to your best expectations? I bet it was all those reasons. And I bet you made a difference.
Image credit — Dr. Matthias Ripp
When You Don’t Know What To Do…
When you don’t know what to do, what do you do? This is a difficult question.
Here are some thoughts that may help you figure out what to do when you really don’t know.
Don’t confuse activity with progress.
Gather your two best friends, go off-site, and define the system as it is.
Don’t ask everyone what they think because the Collective’s thoughts will be diffuse, bland, and tired.
Get outside.
Draw a picture of how things work today.
Get a good meal.
Make a graph of goodness over time. If it’s still increasing, do more of what you did last time. If it’s flat, do something else.
Get some exercise.
Don’t judge yourself negatively. This is difficult work.
Get some sleep.
Help someone with their problem. The distraction will keep you out of the way as your mind works on it for you.
Spend time with friends.
Try a new idea at the smallest scale. It will likely lead to a better one. Repeat.
Use your best judgment.
Image credit – Andrew Gustar
Problems, Solutions, and Complaints
If you see a problem, tell someone. But, also, tell them how you’d like to improve things.
Once you see a problem, you have an obligation to seek a solution.
Complaining is telling someone they have a problem but stopping short of offering solutions.
To stop someone from complaining, ask them how they might make the situation better.
Problems are good when people use them as a forcing function to create new offerings.
Problems are bad when people articulate them and then go home early.
Thing is, problems aren’t good or bad. It’s our response that determines their flavor.
If it’s your problem, it can never be our solution.
Sometimes the best solution to a problem is to solve a different one.
Problem-solving is 90% problem definition and 10% getting ready to define the problem.
When people don’t look critically at the situation, there are no problems. And that’s a big problem.
Big problems require big solutions. And that’s why it’s skillful to convert big ones into smaller ones.
Solving the right problem is much more important than solving the biggest problem.
If the team thinks it’s impossible to solve the problem, redefine the problem and solve that one.
You can relabel problems as “opportunities” as long as you remember they’re still problems
When it comes to problem-solving, there is no partial credit. A problem is either solved or it isn’t.
Stop reusing old ideas and start solving new problems.
Creating new ideas is easy. Sit down, quiet your mind, and create a list of five new ideas. There. You’ve done it. Five new ideas. It didn’t take you a long time to create them. But ideas are cheap.
Converting ideas into sellable products and selling them is difficult and expensive. A customer wants to buy the new product when the underlying idea that powers the new product solves an important problem for them. In that way, ideas whose solutions don’t solve important problems aren’t good ideas. And in order to convert a good idea into a winning product, dirt, rocks, and sticks (natural resources) must be converted into parts and those parts must be assembled into products. That is expensive and time-consuming and requires a factory, tools, and people that know how to make things. And then the people that know how to sell things must apply their trade. This, too, adds to the difficulty and expense of converting ideas into winning products.
The only thing more expensive than converting new ideas into winning products is reusing your tired, old ideas until your offerings run out of sizzle. While you extend and defend, your competitors convert new ideas into new value propositions that bring shame to your offering and your brand. (To be clear, most extend-and-defend programs are actually defend-and-defend programs.) And while you reuse/leverage your long-in-the-tooth ideas, start-ups create whole new technologies from scratch (new ideas on a grand scale) and pull the rug out from under you. The trouble is that the ultra-high cost of extend-and-defend is invisible in the short term. In fact, when coupled with reuse, it’s highly profitable in the moment. It takes years for the wheels to fall off the extend-and-defend bus, but make no mistake, the wheels fall off.
When you find the urge to create a laundry list of new ideas, don’t. Instead, solve new problems for your customers. And when you feel the immense pressure to extend and defend, don’t. Instead, solve new problems for your customers.
And when all that gets old, repeat as needed.
“Cave paintings” by allspice1 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
What do you like to do?
I like to help people turn complex situations into several important learning objectives.
I like to help people turn important learning objectives into tight project plans.
I like to help people distill project plans into a single-page spreadsheet of who does what and when.
I like to help people start with problem definition.
I like to help people stick with problem definition until the problems solve themselves.
I like to help people structure tight project plans based on resource constraints.
I like to help people create objective measures of success to monitor the projects as they go.
I like to help people believe they can do the almost impossible.
I like to help people stand three inches taller after they pull off the unimaginable.
I like to help people stop good projects so they can start amazing ones.
If you want to do more of what you like and less of what you don’t, stop a bad project to start a good one.
So, what do you like to do?
Image credit — merec0
Three Things for the New Year
Next year will be different, but we don’t know how it will be different. All we know is that it will be different.
Some things will be the same and some will be different. The trouble is that we won’t know which is which until we do. We can speculate on how it will be different, but the Universe doesn’t care about our speculation. Sure, it can be helpful to think about how things may go, but as long as we hold on to the may-ness of our speculations. And we don’t know when we’ll know. We’ll know when we know, but no sooner. Even when the Operating Plan declares the hardest of hard dates, the Universe sets the learning schedule on its own terms, and it doesn’t care about our arbitrary timelines.
What to do?
Step 1. Try three new things. Choose things that are interesting and try them. Try to try them in parallel as they may interact and inform each other. Before you start, define what success looks like and what you’ll do if they’re successful and if they’re not. Defining the follow-on actions will help you keep the scope small. For things that work out, you’ll struggle to allocate resources for the next stages, so start small. And if things don’t work out, you’ll want to say that the projects consumed little resources and learned a lot. Keep things small. And if that doesn’t work, keep them smaller.
Step 2. Rinse and repeat.
I wish you a happy and safe New Year. And thanks for reading.
“three” by is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Effective Interactions During Difficult Times
When times are stressful, it’s more difficult to be effective and skillful in our interactions with others. Here are some thoughts that could help.
Decide how you want to respond, and then respond accordingly.
Before you respond, take a breath. Your response will be better.
If you find yourself responding before giving yourself permission, stop your response and come clean.
Better responses from you make for even better responses from others.
If you interrupt someone in the middle of their sentence so you can make your point, you made a different point.
If you find yourself preparing your response while listening to someone, that’s not listening.
If you recognize you’re not listening, now there are at least two people who know the truth.
When there are no words coming from your mouth, that doesn’t constitute listening.
The strongest deterrent to listening is talking.
If you disagree with one element of a person’s position, you can, at the same time, agree with other elements of their position. That’s how agreement works.
If you start with agreement, even the smallest bit, disagreement softens.
Before you can disagree, it’s important to listen and understand. And it’s the same with agreement.
It’s easy to agree if that’s what you want to accomplish. And it’s the same for disagreement.
If you want to move toward agreement, start with understanding.
If you want to demonstrate understanding, start with listening.
If you want to demonstrate good listening, start with kindness.
Here are three mantras I find helpful:
Talk less to listen more.
Before you respond, take a breath.
Kindness before agreement.
“Rock-em” by REL Waldman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0