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Credibility and Trust – a Powerful One-Two Punch – If You Build Them

Credibility built – when the situation is not good, you say “the situation is not good.”  And when things went poorly you say “things went poorly.” Trust built – when things go well you give away the credit. Credibility built – when you provide a controversial perspective and three years later it turns out you […]

Do you build trust or break it?

When someone tells you their truth, what do you do?  Do you ask them to defend? Do you tell them what you think? Do you dismiss them? Do you listen? Do you believe them? When someone has the courage to tell you their truth, they demonstrate they trust you.  If you want to destroy their […]

The Power of the Trust Network

The members of the Trust Network have worked together for a long time. And over that time together they’ve developed trust-based relationships that are more powerful than almost anything in the universe. The Trust Network knows the work intimately and can do it in their sleep. They intuitively know the work should be started, the […]

Trust-Based Disagreement

When there’s disagreement between words and behavior, believe the behavior.  This is especially true when the words deny the behavior. When there’s disagreement between the data and the decision, the data is innocent. When there’s agreement that there’s insufficient data but a decision must be made, there should be no disagreement that the decision is […]

Regardless of the question, trust is the answer.

If you want to make a difference, build trust.   If you want to build trust, do a project together. If you want to build more trust, help the team do work they think is impossible. If you want to build more trust, contribute to the project in the background. If you want to build […]

How To Know If You Are Trusted

When you have trust, people tell you the truth. When you don’t have trust, people tell you what you want to hear.   When you have trust, people tell you when others tell you what you want to hear. When you don’t have trust, people watch others tell you what you want to hear.   […]

Mutual Trust, Intuitive Skill, and Center of Emphasis

Mutual Trust. Who do you trust implicitly? And of that shortlist, who trusts you implicitly? You know how they’ll respond. You know what decision they’ll make. And you don’t have to keep tabs on them and you don’t have to manage them. You do your thing and they do theirs and, without coordinating, everything meshes. […]

Without trust, there is nothing.

If someone treats you badly, that’s on them. You did nothing wrong. When you do your best and your boss tells you otherwise, your boss is unskillful. If you make a mistake, own it. And if someone gives you crap about it, disown them. If someone is untruthful, hold them accountable. If they’re still untruthful, […]

The Trust Network II

I stand by my statement that trust is the most important element in business (see The Trust Network.) The Trust Network are the group of people who get the work done. They don’t do the work to get promoted, they just do the work because they like doing the work. They don’t take others’ credit […]

The Trust Network

Trust is the most important element in business. It’s not organizational authority, it’s not alignment, it’s not execution, it’s not best practices, it’s not competitive advantage and it’s not intellectual property. It’s trust. Trust is more powerful than the organizational chart.  Don’t believe me? Draw the org chart and pretend the person at the top […]

Four Pillars of Innovation – People, Learning, Judgment and Trust

Innovation is a hot topic. Everyone wants to do it. And everyone wants a simple process that works step-wise – first this, then that, then success. But Innovation isn’t like that. I think it’s more effective to think of innovation as a result. Innovation as something that emerges from a group of people who are […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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