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Actions That Help People Grow

As leaders of people, we have a responsibility to help people grow. One of the best ways to help them grow is to put them in a position to do so. But what does that look like? Here’s a process and some questions to help you quantify your efforts to help people grow. Choose one […]

Helping helps.

If you think asking for help is a sign of weakness, you won’t get the help you deserve. If the people around you think asking for help is a sign of weakness, find new people. As a leader, asking others for help makes it easier for others to ask for help. When someone asks you […]

The Importance of Helping Others

When someone you care about needs help, help them. Even when you have other things to do, help them anyway. When people ask you for help, it’s a sign they trust you.  And they trust you because you’ve demonstrated over time that your words and behaviors match.  You said you’d do A and you did […]

It’s time to turn something that isn’t into something that is.

It’s not possible until you demonstrate it. It can’t be done until you show it being done. It won’t work until you make it work. It must be done using the standard process until you do it a much better way. It’s required until you violate the requirement and everything is fine. It’s needed until […]

Why not be yourself?

Be successful, but be yourself. Accept people for who they are and everything else gets better. Tell the truth, even if it causes stress.  In the short term, it is emotionally challenging but in the long term, it builds trust. Disagree, yes.  Disappoint, yes.  Disavow, no. Be effective, but be yourself. If your actions cause […]

The Power of Praise

When you catch someone doing good work, do you praise them?  If not, why not? Praise is best when it’s specific – “I think it was great when you [insert specific action here].” If praise isn’t authentic, it’s not praise. When you praise specific behavior, you get more of that great behavior.  Is there a […]

Did you do anything different today?

In that familiar situation, how did you respond in an unfamiliar way? Instead of your usual yes, did you say no? With your regular chair available in the conference room, why not sit in a different one? Instead of using your right hand to brush your teeth, why not try your left? How would it […]

Three Rules for Personal Development Plans

If you want to help someone grow, use the work.  Put them on mission-critical work that gives them the opportunity to demonstrate next-level skills.  And the work must fit the person – it can’t be too difficult or too easy.  It must be just right.   And don’t create new work. Instead, for the company’s most […]

When You Don’t Know What To Do…

When you don’t know what to do, what do you do?  This is a difficult question. Here are some thoughts that may help you figure out what to do when you really don’t know. Don’t confuse activity with progress. Gather your two best friends, go off-site, and define the system as it is. Don’t ask […]

When is too much too much?

When you’re out of gas, you’re out of gas.  And there are no two ways about it, the last year has emptied our tanks. And when your tank is empty, it’s empty. When there’s nothing left, there’s nothing left.  But what if you’re asked for more? What is the mechanism to communicate that the workload […]

What do you want?

If you want a promotion, do the right thing. If you do the right thing, be prepared to be misunderstood. If you want the credit, you don’t want the best outcome for all. If you want to have focus, spend time outside. If you want to have more control, give it away. If you want […]

Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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