Battling Judgment
Judging results when things are different than our expectations.
If you don’t like being judged, stop judging yourself.
No one can judge you without your consent, even you.
If someone judges you, that’s about them.
People’s judgment of you is none of your business.
When you see a friend judging themselves, give them a hug. A virtual one will do.
Judging someone means you want them to be different than they are.
If someone gives you a gift and you don’t accept it, it’s still theirs. Judgment is like that.
If you’re afraid of being judged for trying something new, be afraid, and try it anyway.
Judgment is objective evidence of disapproval if you accept it.
Judging someone won’t change their behavior, other than make them angry.
When you see a friend being judged, give them a hug (in a social distance way.)
When someone judges you, don’t worry. In ten years, no one will remember.
When someone tries to judge you, let them try.
If you do your best, why do you think it’s okay to judge yourself about the outcome?
If you don’t do your best, don’t judge. Ask why.
Judgment can debilitate, but only if you let it.
Image credit — Stuart Richards