Custom Model, Exploring Customized Manufacturing — Mechanical Engineering Magazine
Resurrecting Manufacturing — IE Magazine (Cover Story)
The Cure for Offshoring – The design side of product development — Machine Design
Let’s Fix US Manufacturing Competitiveness — Manufacturing Engineering Magazine
Successful Design For Assembly — Assembly Magazine
Getting Leaner at the Design Stage — IndustryWeek
Allocating Responsibility for Manufacturing Costs — Industry Week
How to Organize for Lean/Six Sigma — Industry Week
Can Anyone Out-Lean Toyota? — Assembly Magazine
Redesigns Get Radical Improvements Using DFMA — Design Fax
DFMA Forum – Panel Discussion on Manufacturing Competitiveness — Desktop Engineering a
Systematic DFMA Deployment It Could Resurrect US Manufacturing
Why DFMA Efforts Fail Design for Manufacturing – what is it and how does it fit with Design for Function, Design for Assembly and Design for Cost
Six Lessons Learned from a Successful DFA Program
Position Pieces
Assembly Magazine Column – Shipulski On Design
Robots and factories are no longer differentiators
The Yin and Yang of Standard Work
When Best Practices Aren’t Best
Lean and Supply Chain Sensitivity
How to Make Your Green Programs Actionable
Engineering’s Contribution to the Profit Equation
The Savings from Lean Have Been Small The Missing Element of Lean