Archive for January, 2025
Top Blog Posts of 2024
Here are the top four blog posts from 2024 with a little summary of each.
It’s not the work, it’s the people. By far the most popular post. Here are some important words from the post: hard work, share, struggle, elbow-to-elbow, fear, crew, extra load, friend, through the wringer, smile, sad, care, easier. And I finished with a challenge.
For the most important people, take a minute and write down your shared experiences and what they mean to you. What would it mean to them if you shared your thoughts and feelings? Why not take a minute and find out? Wouldn’t work be more energizing and fun? If you agree, why not do it? What’s in the way? What’s stopping you?
Why not push through the discomfort and take things to the next level?
Projects, Products, People, and Problems. The post was written within the tight context of product development systems, but I think the tight one-liners have broader applicability. Here are a few of may favorites.
- To get more projects done, do fewer of them.
- Stop starting and start finishing.
- People grow when you create the conditions for their growth.
- When in doubt, help people.
- Trust is all-powerful.
- Whatever business you’re in, you’re in the people business.
Pro Tips for New Product Development Projects. This one was one was narrow and deep. Here are the main themes:
- Effectiveness is more important than efficiency, but we behave otherwise.
- Everyone has too many projects and that’s why they take so long.
- Resources – too highly utilized.
- Novelty – too much of a good thing isn’t wonderful.
I’m thankful! I wrote this for the Thanksgiving holiday. There were four themes: family, health, time, and telling people about your thankfulness. Family – straightforward. Health – appreciating our remaining health because we recognize it flowing away. This one is a little backward, but the Stoics know. And so does Buddha. Time – appreciation of our time, especially when others pull on us. Telling people about our thankfulness – this a great way to multiply the impact of our thankfulness.
Happy New Year and thanks for reading, Mike
Image credit — Anna Sofia Guerreirinho