Archive for August, 2024
What do you do when you’ve done it before?

If you’ve done it before, let someone else do it.
If you’ve done it before, teach someone else to do it.
If you’ve done it before, do it in a tenth of the time.
Do it differently just because you can.
Do it backward. That will make you smile.
Do it with your eyes closed. That will make a statement.
Do its natural extension. That could be fun.
Do the opposite. Then do its opposite. You’ll learn more.
Do what they should have asked for. Life is short.
Do what scares them. It’s sure to create new design space.
Do what obsoletes your most profitable offering. Wouldn’t you rather be the one to do it?
Do what scares you. That’s sure to be the most interesting of all.
Image credit — Geoff Henson
Measureable or magical?
We all have to-do lists. We add things and we check them off. This list grows and shrinks. We judge ourselves negatively when we check off fewer than expected and positively when we check off more than that. But what’s the right number of completed tasks for us to feel good? How many completed tasks is enough?
If you complete one task per week that saves $5000, is that enough? Is it enough to complete fifty tasks per year? If you create the conditions that make possible a new product line that delivers $1B over three years, but you do that only once every five years, is that enough? Is it enough to do just that one right thing over five years? What does it look like to others when you complete one exceptionally meaningful task every five years? I think it looks like most of the time you are doing very little.
Sometimes you complete small things and sometimes you don’t. And sometimes you learn what doesn’t work and that’s the completed task. And sometimes there are long stretches where nothing is accomplished until you create something magical. Counting tasks is no way to go through life.
But counting and measuring is all the rage. Look at your yearly goals. Do ten of these. Run six of those. Complete twelve of the other. Why do we think we can predict what we should do next year? Even sillier, do we really believe we know how many of these, those, and the others we will be able to get done next year? C’mon. Really?
What if all this counting prevents us from imagining the future? And what if our unhealthy fascination with measuring blocks us from creating it?
If it’s all about the measurable, there’s no room for the Magical.
Why not make some room for the Magical?
Image credit — Philip McErlean
Can you let go?
Can you go on holiday and not think about work?
How long does it take your brain to join your body on vacation?
If your boss calls on vacation, what do you do? And what does that say about you?
If your boss calls on vacation, what does that say about your boss?
Doing something else can help you see things differently when you return from vacation.
Doing nothing is something.
If you can’t let go, might you see your vacation as an opportunity for others to shine?
A new environment can stimulate new thinking. Why not see your vacation as a new environment?
Hanging around with new people can help you see things differently. Don’t you meet new people on holiday?
If your company will falter if you’re away for two weeks, it’s time to develop new talent.
If you have access to your email on vacation, are you sure you’re on vacation?
If you look at your email, you blew a whole vacation day. Switching cost is real. So is rumination.
You don’t have to be anyone special on vacation. Why not try that at work?
Vacation isn’t selfish. It’s healing.
Vacation isn’t time away from work, it’s time immersed in life.
There is no such thing as a halfway vacation. It’s all-in or it’s not vacation.
Why not go all in?
It’s time to turn something that isn’t into something that is.
It’s not possible until you demonstrate it.
It can’t be done until you show it being done.
It won’t work until you make it work.
It must be done using the standard process until you do it a much better way.
It’s required until you violate the requirement and everything is fine.
It’s needed until you show people how to do without.
It’s no one’s responsibility until you take responsibility and do it yourself.
It’s not fun until you have fun doing it.
It’s not sanctioned until you create something magical in an unsanctioned way.
It’s a crappy assignment until you transform it into a meaningful assignment.
It’s a lonely place until you help someone do their work better.
It’s a low-trust place until you trust someone.
It’s scary until you do it anyway.
So do it anyway.
Image credit — Tambako The Jaguar