Choose to Choose

There will always be more work than time – no choice there. But, you can choose your mindset. You can choose to be overwhelmed; you can complain; and you can feel bad for yourself. You can also choose to invert it – you only work on vital projects because less important ones aren’t worth your time. Inverted, work is prioritized to make best use of your valuable time. When there’s too much work you can whine and complain, or you can value yourself – your choice

Most of us don’t choose what we work on, and sometimes it’s work we’ve done before. You can choose to look at as mind numbing tedium, or you can flip it. You can look at it as an opportunity to do your work a better way; to try a more effective approach; to invent something new. With repeat work you can dull it down or try to shine – your choice.

Sometimes we’re asked to do new and challenging work. You can choose to be afraid; you can make excuses; and you can call in sick for the next month. Or you can twist it to your advantage and see it as an opportunity to stretch. With challenging work you can stunt yourself or grow – your choice.

Negativity repels and positivity attracts – it’s time for you to choose.

2 Responses to “Choose to Choose”

  • “Okay…Whether you knew it or not, this one was meant for me. But there’s not a day that goes by where I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have the challenges to deal with. And this coming weekend…I’ll try the spoon trick.”

  • Mike:

    Dave, I’m glad you choose to feel fortunate for your challenges.

    How did it go with the spoons?

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Mike Shipulski Mike Shipulski
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